Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I think I mistakenly put a bank deposit envelope in the mail. What will the postal service do with it?

it contains a check, no cash.I think I mistakenly put a bank deposit envelope in the mail. What will the postal service do with it?
It depends on what is on the envelope. If you put a return address, it most likely will go to you. If it is addressed to someone, you need to contact that person. If there is no way to identify it, it most likely will end up in the dead letter area. Depending on when you did this, I would recommend going to the post office in person to try to resolve it, but I don't hold out much hope.

Your best bet is to contact the person who wrote the check, ask them to stop payment, pay them the stop payment fee and get a new check.I think I mistakenly put a bank deposit envelope in the mail. What will the postal service do with it?
It will get loss, put stop pmt on a check. Good Luck!I think I mistakenly put a bank deposit envelope in the mail. What will the postal service do with it?
contact your local post office with the box location that you mailed it at. It should have been sorted out as undeliverable, you may get it back if it can be identified as yours.

If that doesnt work out, get the check stopped, and reissued to you.
If you do not have an address on it it will probably come back to you in a few days.

You are not the first person to do it, it happens everyday.


If it happens to you again, immediately contact the post office. It may be possible for them to find it when the letter carrier comes back to the office.

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